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2022 Winter Shoes Project

Children were gifted new shoes for the winter.

2022 Winter Shoes Project - Report

Dear friends,  


Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bring joy and fulfill the needs for winter shoes  of 28 children in 7 families who live in 3 villages near Sibiu (Copsa Mica, Vurpar and  Talmacel). 


Because the Christmas was an extremely busy time for our team, and because of the covid  restrictions (we could not go in a shoe store without the green certificate), we were able  to buy and distribute the shoes only in January.  


We have gathered the lists with the children’s shoe size and ordered online almost half of  the shoe pairs. The other half we have bought from stores in our neighborhood.  


We labeled the boxes with the name of the children and we went in their homes to  distribute the shoes. 


First we went to Vurpar where we have visited a family, and when we have reached their  home (in the evening), we saw that they had no electricity, and they spend their evenings  at the light of a spotlight / lantern, and that is how we made the dark pictures.  


Another family in Vurpar had 7 children, living with only the mother, and the  grandmother. The grandmother which is old and sick impressed us very much. 


In Talmacel, the children were very happy to see us and a parent, to show his gratitude,  gave us a gift: a bush-broom to each of us. 


Thank you for caring, so these 28 children would have warm shoes this winter and next  winter as well, as many of them having little brothers will reuse them.  


May you be blessed! 


With gratitude, in children’s name, 

Olimpia Băbuţă, Lică Băbuţă, Andrei Vecerdea 


We attach the pictures and a small video. 

2022 Winter Shoes Project: Text
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